Skincare Journey 101: Sequence & Frequency How did you do last week on your skincare routine? If you’re missing a product. we could discuss recommendations If you’re ahead of the journey, let’s discuss product integrity Additionally, make sure your products are not expired. There are two (2) dates to consider determining Shelf Life: Expiration Date (usually printed on the bottle) Period After Opening (PAO). Usually labeled with a number and “M” for month Example: 6M= 6 Months from when product is open Expired products will reduce the Effectiveness (adequate to accomplish intended purpose BEFORE expiration date) and/or Efficacy (expected result under ideal circumstance WITHIN Period After Opening). If the expired.
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5 Ways Hormones Can Impact the Skin Many will agree that health issues are related to the burden of finances (prescriptions and medical supplies) and doctor’s appointments (paid-time -off). These same health issues can cause your self-esteem when it impacts your skin. Whether it be by dry, sensitive, itchy, or having crepe skin, it’s important to understand the root causes for a better approach to long-term skin wellness. What are hormones? Hormones: internal messengers for the body system and internal factors for the appearance, strength and skin health. Hormonal skin: internal factors that can disrupt your skin barrier causing adverse outcomes to the condition of.
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